Issue: 5 (2)/2014

Bibliography of translations of Slavic literature (2013)

The Volume 5, Part 2 of journal compiles translations of Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian literatures into Polish, and of Polish literature into these languages. This strategy makes it easier to survey the material, and to ensure that emerging content is processed without delay. Bibliographical reports provide useful information about the activity of the literary scene, of  publishers, and of other institutions which promote Slavic literatures in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. For this reason the bibliography has been augmented by commentaries in which the contributors describe the emerging patterns in the area of the reception of foreign (Slavic) literature by Slavs in the contexts of the individual cultures in question, as well as of the demand by the respective cultures for both otherness and for self-confirmation. Analysing the bibliography of translations, contributors deliver insights concerning the functions of the contexts of receiving cultures in the process of transferring original texts in their relations to the roles and values of these texts within the systems of source cultures. On the basis of the bibliography of translations, the conclusions arrived at in these areas chiefly concern translators’ choices. In this volume, commentators’ reflections have gone beyond the collected bibliographical entries and have covered a broader period, the years 2007-2013, analysing the content of Volume 4, Part 2. In subsequent volumes, commentaries will be concerned with the bibliographical material presented in the current volumes. The target readers of this publication are scholars of Slavic literatures and cultures (including Polish); students; and whoever might be interested in broadening their knowledge of Slavic cultures.

See entire issue:
