Vol 2 No 1 (2011)
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Wspomnienie o Rozce Štefan (1913—2011) (Bożena Tokarz) Download Rozwiń
Povzetek: Besedilo je bilo napisano ob smrti Rozke Štefan (1913—2011), ki je bila uveljavljena prevajalka in polonistka, ustanoviteljica slovenske „šole prevajanja iz poljščine”. Besedilu sledi spis njena Izbrana bibliografija prevodov iz poljske književnosti, člankov in razprav o poljskih pisateljih ter o poljsko-slovenskih literarnih in kulturnih stikih.
Summary: The text is written for the occassion of Rozka Štefan’s death (1913-2011), a well-known translator and Polonist, a Slovenian creator of “school of translation from Polish”. The text is accompanied with Rozka Štefan’s selected bibliography of Polish language translations, articles and essays about Polish writers and Polish – Slovenian literary and cultural connections.
Lech Miodyński: Semantic matrices of the cultures — Macedonian poem in Polish and Croatian reflection Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Kulturowe matryce semantyczne — wiersz macedoński w refleksie polskim i chorwackim / Семантичките матрици на културата — македонската стихотворба во полскиот и хрватскиот одраз. Author Name: Lech Miodyński, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, lech.miodynski@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 25-36.
Resume: Во статијата се претставени начините на преобразувањето на културните семантички елементи во паралелните преводи на македонската поезија. Нивното споредување врз основа на материјалот на лириката од 1955 до 1977 година (заедно со широкиот коментар во перспективата на комуникациската теорија на преводот) ги покажува разликите во сферата на еквиваленција коишто произлегуваат од своеобразноста на двете традиции на меѓукултурните врски. Хрватските преводи пројавуваат значително поголема егзактност, комуникативност и штедливост на средства на израз, потпирајќи се на заедничкиот широк корпус на јужнословенската лексика, понекогаш фразеологијата. Полските преводи се ползуваат со компензацијата на многу нивоа — особено високата фреквентност ја има стилската архаизација, јазичната обоеност доведена до претенциозност. Во првиот случај методот е почесто синтагматскиот превод или репродуцирањето на фолклорните клишеа, во вториот — применувањето на функционалните фолклорни еквиваленти и црпењето од романтичкото наследство.
Summary: This article describes the ways of transformations of the cultural-semantic elements in parallel translations of the Macedonian poetry. Their comparison through the material of lyric from 1955—1977 period (along with wide annotation in the perspective of communicational theory of translation) depicts differences in the extent of equivalency — ensuing from divergence of both traditions of intercultural relations. Croatian translations show much higher accuracy, articulateness and economy of forms of expression, relying on common extensive corps of south Slavonic lexis, often phraseology. Polish translations on many levels use a compensation — especially archaic stylisation, language embellishing advanced to affectation has high frequency. In the first case dominant method is usually syntagmatic translation or reproduction of the plates (cliches), in the second — applying of the functional cultural equivalents and deriving from the romantic heritage.
Iwona Haneczok: Making out the sense (based on translations of Adam Wazyk’s A Poem for Adults into English and Polish) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Odczytując sens oryginału (na podstawie przekładu na język serbski i angielski Poematu dla dorosłych Adama Ważyka) / Прочитајући смисао оригинала (на основу превода на српски и енглески Поеме за одрасле Адама Важика). Author Name: Iwona Haneczok, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 37-49.
Сажетак: Когнитивна наука је основа овог чланка који покушава да ствара прототип савршене ситуације у преводу и затим категоризuje две такве ситуације: превод са пољског на српски и са пољског на енглески. Овај прототип је процес у коме преводилац нема проблема да нађе еквивалент речи, a читалац може да прочита у преводу смисао оргинала. Иако је ова савршена ситуација нестварна, различите ситуације превода могу бити класификоване као “бољи“ или „гори“ представници ове категорије. Чланак се фокусира на пољском, српском и енглеском језику и закључак је да превод са пољског на српски је бољи представник категорије него превод са пољскод на енглески. Деси се тако због тога да пољски и српски потиче из зaједничке групе словенских језика.
Summary: The article is based on cognitive science and tries to create a prototype of a perfect situation in translation and then categorize two of these situations: a translation from Polish into English and from Polish into Serbian. The prototype is a process in which the translator doesn’t find it difficult to find equivalents and the reader is able to understand the sense of the original. Although this perfect situation is unreal, different situations can be classified as “better” or “worse” representatives of it. As the article focuses on Polish, Serbian and English languages, the conclusion is that the translation from Polish into Serbian is a better representative of the category than the translation from Polish into English as the language relationship of the two former languages is stronger than the relationship between the two latter ones.
Joanna Mleczko: The boundaries of source-oriented translation (based on the Polish translation of Indzhe by Yordan Yovkov) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Granice egzotyzacji (na przykładzie polskiego przekładu Indże Jordana Jowkowa) / Границите на егзотизацията (въз основа на полския превод на Индже на Йордан Йовков). Author Name: Joanna Mleczko, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, joanna.mleczko@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 53-60.
Резюме: Статията е посветена на превода, маркиран с черти на чуждото. В нея се анализират преводните техники, избрани от полския преводач на българския разказ Индже на Йордан Йовков, изпълнен с реалии от турското робство. Разгледаните техники са приложени с цел да се съхранят в превода максимално лингвистичните и културни елементи, характерни за оригинала. Особено внимание се обръща върху въведените в превода заемки от източни езици (общи за двата езика или характерни само за българския език), върху начина на предаване на турските и българските собствени имена (пряко пренасяне, превод), а също така и ролята на перифразата при предаването на съдържание, което е чуждо в културно отношение.
Summary: The article focuses on a translation characterized by the occurrence of elements derived from a foreign culture. It displays translation procedures employed by a Polish translator of the Bulgarian short story Indzhe by Y. Yovkov, with its plot deeply rooted in the context of Turkish slavery. The translation procedures introduced in the target text aim to preserve the maximum linguistic and cultural elements occurring in the source text. Particular attention has been paid to the introduction of loan words derived from Eastern languages (orientalisms common for both languages and typical of Bulgarian language), the way of depicting Turkish and Bulgarian specific names (direct transfer, translation), as well as the use of paraphrase in the translation process of foreign cultural contents.
Adriana Kovacheva: Representations of Ottoman Turks — between myth, history and translation (about two historical novels of Vera Mutafchieva) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Obraz Turka osmańskiego — między mitem, historią a przekładem (na marginesie dwóch powieści historycznych Wery Mutafczijewej) / Образът на Османеца — между мита, историята и превода (за два исторически романа на Вера Мутафчиева). Author Name: Adriana Kovacheva, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 61-79.
Резюме: В настоящата статия са поставени два основни проблема. Първият е свързан със ситуирането на повествователната стратегия на представяне на османеца в романите Случаят Джем и Последните Шишмановци в рамките на българския исторически и литературен контекст от 60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век. Образите на мюсюлманите и турците в историческите романи на Вера Мутафчиева не могат да бъдат разглеждани без контекста на възрожденската и фолклорна традиция на представяне на османските турци. В така начертаните аналитични контекстови полета се очертават три важни конфликтогенни теми, чиeто пресъздаване може да послужи като критерий за оценка на полския превод на романа Случаят Джем — темата за Изтока и Запада, темата за многоетничността в Османската империя и темата за българските стереотипи за турците, исляма, за епохата на османско управление и за собствената национална идентичност. Вторият засяга полския прочит на горепосочените романи на Мутафчиева, изразен в превода. Анализът на някои значими детайли показва, че в полската езикова версия образът на османските турци не следва акцентите на оригинала и елиминира неговите локални начения, а следователно — нивелира заложените в него ключови за интерпретацията му конфликти и противоречия.
Summary: This paper raises two main questions. The first one is how to situate the strategy of representation of Ottoman Turks in historical novels of Vera Mutafchieva The Djem Affair and The Last Shishmans in the frames of bulgarian historical and literary context of the ‘60s and ‘70s of the 20th century. It is not possibile to describe this strategy without reference to the impact of folklore and nineteenth century tradition of representing the Muslims and Turks. In this context fields three themes that causes conflicts are distinguished and their interpretation in the translation of the novel could be used as a criterium for the translation’s evaluation. These themes are the notion of East and West, the topic of multiethnicity in Ottoman Empire and bulgarian stereotypes of Turks, Islam and national identity. The second question is how the Polish translator interpreted above mentioned historical novels of Mutafchieva. The analysis of some important details shows that the polish translation of The Djem Affair do not follow original emphases and thus eliminate some local meanings of the novel, which means that it obliterates some of its key conflicts and contradictions.
Maciej Czerwiński: A Dialogue of Signs and Codes: between Jergović’s Novel Ruta Tannenbaum and the Polish Translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Dialog znaków i kodów: między oryginałem a polskim przekładem w powieści Miljenko Jergovicia Ruta Tannenbaum / Dijalog znakova i kodova: između originala i poljskog prijevoda Rute Tannenbaum Miljenka Jergovića. Author Name: Maciej Czerwiński, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, maciej.czerwinski@uj.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 83-105.
Sažetak: U članku se analizira roman hrvatskog (i bosansko-hercegovačkog) pisca Miljenka Jergovića Ruta Tannenbaum i njegov prijevod na poljski jezik (prevoditeljica: Magdalena Petryńska). Istražuje se na koji se način dijalogiziraju znakovi i kulturni kodovi u originalu i u prijevodu, te se pokazuje koje se aspekte semantike književnog djela i semantike kulture ne mogu adekvatno prisvojiti u poljskom jeziku i u poljskoj kulturi. Tako se i razmatra mogućnost primjene jednog semiotičkog i kulturno-semiotičkog pristupa u translatologiju.
Summary: In the article the novel Ruta Tannenbaum, written by Croatian and Bosnian-Herzegovinian author Miljenko Jergović, and the translation of the novel into Polish by Magdalena Petryńska is analyzed. By comparing the original and the translation the question of dialogization of signs and cultural codes is taken into consideration. It is presented which aspects of the semantics of the literary work and the culture itself cannot be adequately adapted into the Polish language and Polish culture. Simultaneously, the idea of applying a semiotic and cultural semiotic approach in translatology in analyzed.
Leszek Małczak: The picture of Bosnian Catholics and Muslims in the Polish translations of Andrić’s short story U musafirhani Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Obraz katolików i muzułmanów w polskich przekładach opowiadania Ivo Andricia U musafirhani / Slika katoličke i muslimanske sredine u poljskim prijevodima pripovjetke Ive Andrića pod naslovom U musafirhani. Author Name: Leszek Małczak, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 106-121.
Sažetak: Postoje dva različita poljska prijevoda Andrićeve pripovjetke pod naslovom U musafirhani. Prvi Marije Znatowicz-Szczepańske nastao je 1937. godine, drugi Alije Dukanovića — 1966. Analiza pokazuje kako Andrić prikazuje franjevce i muslimane i što se s tom njegovom slikom događa u prijevodu, odnosno pokazuje dvije različite strategije prevođenja koje u određenoj mjeri ovise o povijesnom i ideološkom kontekstu, recepciji Andrićeva djela u oba razdoblja te individualnim predodžbama prevoditelja o katolicima i muslimanima. S obzirom na način predstavljanja katoličke i muslimanske sredine Znatowicz-Szczepańska prmijenjuje strategiju naturalizacije, Dukanovićeva strategija bliža je egzotizaciji. Kod Znatowicz-Szczepańske katolička sredina je jača i u odnosu na original, i u odnosu na drugi prijevod. Kod Dukanovića vidljivo je na više mjesta prikazivanje muslimana u boljem svijetlu nego kod Andrića i u ranijem prijevodu što je ipak u izvjesnom smislu primjer manipulacije.
Summary: There are two Polish translations of Andrić’s short story U musafirhani. First one by Maria Znatowicz-Szczepańska was published in 1937. Second one by Alija Dukanović, Bosnian who settled and lived in Poland, was published in 1966. The story presents two Bosnians communities: Catholics and Muslims. The analysis of these two translations shows that the Catholic community is stonger in the Polish translations than in the original text. This tendency is more clear in Znatowicz-Szczepańska’s work. On the one hand the position of Catholics is much better and on the other hand their dependence on Muslims is smaller, as it was in real and as it is shown in Andrić’s pieace. In Dukanović’s translation there is a tendency to present Muslims in a better way as well. They are not so primitive, demanding and ruthless. Differences between translations corresponde with the context they were written. In the period between two world wars there was an antiphaty for the Muslim part of Bosnia which was treated as a dangerous element, warlike and communistlike. After The Second World War, during Communist times, rules unitarist ideology and it wasn’t coreect to emphasis civilizations, religious and national differences. It helps to understand both strategies of translations, why Marija Znatowicz-Szczepańska is very familiar with Catholics and very distanced from Muslims and at the same time why Alija Dukanović presents Muslims in a better way. Znatowicz-Szczepańska’s way of translation we can treat as domestication, Dukanović’s one as foreignization with strong element of the manipulation.
Katarzyna Majdzik: The harmony of cacophony that is to say what Middle Eastern Europe sings (about culture dialogue in Polish translation of The Ministry of Pain written by Dubravka Ugrešić) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Harmonia kakofonii, czyli co śpiewa Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia (o dialogu kultur w polskim przekładzie Ministerstwa Bólu Dubravki Ugrešić) / Harmonija kakofonije ili što pjeva Središnja i istočna Europa (o dijalogu kultura u poljskom prijevodu Ministarstva boli Dubravke Ugrešić). Author Name: Katarzyna Majdzik, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, katarzyna.majdzik@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 122-137.
Sažetak: Prijevod se oslanja na rekontekstualizaciju te interpretaciju originalnog teksta. Drukčiji kulturni, jezični, povijesni uvjeti su osnova prevodilačke interpretacije. Prijevod koji je pośrednik između dvije kulture i dva semantičkia univerzuma omogućava međukulturni dijalog. Cilj je takve komunikacije saznati drugačiju osjetljivost, nove načine i oblike ekspresije te najzad proširiti vlastitu interpretaciju stvarnosti. Prema mišljenju Y. Winkina komunikacija je utvrđivanje uzajamnih odnosa i zajedničkih vrijednosti te dokazivanje pripadnosti jednoj kulturi. Ovako shvaćen prijevod je otkrivanje novoga te utvrđivanje postojećega (već upoznatog, urođenog) simboličnog poretka. U članku se na osnovi poljskog prijevoda romana Dubravke Ugrešić Ministarstvo boli raspravlja o problematici interpretacije i komunikacije kultura „u” i „preko” prijevoda.
Summary: Svrha je prevođenja prenijeti obavijest iz jednoga jezika u drugi, po mogućnosti sa svim njezinim leksičkim, gramatičkim, stilističkim i konotativnim značenjima. Mogućnost prijenosa svih tih značenja ovisi ponajviše o tome, koliko dva jezična sustava i kombinacije njihovih elemenata to dopuštaju. Svrha je ovoga članka prikazati lingvističko-teorijsku podlogu prevođenja. Prikazano je shvaćanje procesa prijevoda u kojemu bitnu ulogu igraju ishodišni tekst, prevoditelj, kao i različite psiholingvističke teorije o funkcionalnoj ekvivalentnosti i komunikativnosti prijevoda SL u TL. Očito je da problem prijevoda nije samo ni jedino ishodišni jezik. U procesu prevođenja postoje i druge zadaće koje prevoditelj treba također uspješno obaviti: treba premostiti pojmove između civilizacije i kulture. U okviru prijevoda na poljski jezik Matvejevićevog Mediteranskog brevijara opisuje se i definira u članku pojedine elemente np.: geografske i dr. Sve što se može naći i napisati o Mediteranu (od sastava tla, preko vetrova, morskih struja do vrste mornarskih čvorova) tvori neki entitet koji, samo kroz popis činjenica težko uhvatiti u prijevodu.
Mateusz Warchał: Nonequivalent words in translation process. A psycholinguistic view Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O leksyce bezekwiwalentnej w tłumaczeniu. Szkic psycholingwistyczny / O bezekvivalentnom leksiku u prevođenju. Psiholingvistički pogled. Author Name: Mateusz Warchał, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku Białej, mateusz.warchal@poczta.onet.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 138-143.
Sažetak: Svrha je prevođenja prenijeti obavijest iz jednoga jezika u drugi, po mogućnosti sa svim njezinim leksičkim, gramatičkim, stilističkim i konotativnim značenjima. Mogućnost prijenosa svih tih značenja ovisi ponajviše o tome, koliko dva jezična sustava i kombinacije njihovih elemenata to dopuštaju. Svrha je ovoga članka prikazati lingvističko-teorijsku podlogu prevođenja. Prikazano je shvaćanje procesa prijevoda u kojemu bitnu ulogu igraju ishodišni tekst, prevoditelj, kao i različite psiholingvističke teorije o funkcionalnoj ekvivalentnosti i komunikativnosti prijevoda SL u TL. Očito je da problem prijevoda nije samo ni jedino ishodišni jezik. U procesu prevođenja postoje i druge zadaće koje prevoditelj treba također uspješno obaviti: treba premostiti pojmove između civilizacije i kulture. U okviru prijevoda na poljski jezik Matvejevićevog Mediteranskog brevijara opisuje se i definira u članku pojedine elemente np.: geografske i dr. Sve što se može naći i napisati o Mediteranu (od sastava tla, preko vetrova, morskih struja do vrste mornarskih čvorova) tvori neki entitet koji, samo kroz popis činjenica težko uhvatiti u prijevodu..
Summary: This paper attempts to discuss the importance and validity of the concept of equivalence as a constitutive feature in translation theory. Equivalence is defined as a relation that holds between a source language (SL) and a target language (TL). When we attempt to describe and explain the relation that holds between a source language text and a target language text in translation, we necessarily come across the concept of equivalence. Textlinguistics plays a crucial and decisive role in the study of language use and obviously in the case of translation it does have a close relation with other disciplines, such as psycholinguistics. Of course, some words are nontransferable. On the other hand, text is to be understood as a complex, and, for instance, the use of a lexical entry in a text does not simply affect the lexical level but may have semantic or pragmatic implications (denotations, connotations). Therefore conditions and determinants (psychological characterization, and context) have necessarily been taken into account for fulfilling a communicative purpose in translation process. Analyzing (describing, classifying, explaining) translation equivalence is based in this paper on Croatian word formations that appear in Mediterranean: A Cultural Landscape, by Predrag Matvejević. Matvejević plunges on to subjects — the olive, sponges, fish, nets, herbs, markets, curses, winds — interwoven with a skein of intellectual discourse. This cross-cultural view requires a deep knowledge of the way Croatian phrases translate into Polish phrases.
Paulina Pycia: „To give the proper word” — to thing, the world of Ryszard Kapuściński in translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: „Odpowiednie dać rzeczy słowo”, czyli świat Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego w przekładzie / „Dati prikladnu riječ” — stvari, svijet Ryszarda Kapuścińskog u prijevodu. Author Name: Paulina Pycia, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, paulina.pycia@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 144-160.
Sažetak: Unikatni epski tekstovi Kapuścińskog prikazuju njegov individualni stil koji je velik izazov za sve prevoditelje. Taj članak predstavlja neke od prevodilačkih rješenja u prevodima „Podróże z Herodotem” Ryszarda Kapuścińskog: srpskom „Putovanja s Herodotom” Biserke Rajčić i engleskom „Travels with Herodotus” Klare Główczewske. Analiza odnosi se prije svega na leksičku razinu teksta i metaforička značenja izabranih fraza.
Summary: The unique epic stories written by Kapuściński show his individual style which is the great challenge for all tranlators. This article represents some of the translation solutions in two translations of the Polish reportage Podróże z Herodotem by Ryszard Kapuściński: the Serbian one Putovanja s Herodotom by Biserka Rajčić and the English one Travels with Herodotus by Klara Główczewska. The analysis is connected mostly with the lexical layer and the metaphorical meaning of chosen phrases.
Józef Zarek: About translation of the Czech autobiographical prose. The case of Ludvik Vaculik Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O tłumaczeniu czeskiej prozy autobiograficznej. Przypadek Ludvíka Vaculíka / K překladům české autobiografické prózy Vaculíkův případ. Author Name: Józef Zarek, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, jozef.zarek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 163-174.
Résumé: Článek komentuje vztah polských překladatelů k Vaculíkovým románům, především k Českému snáři a Jak se dělá chlapec, z kterých ukázky najdeme v polských časopisech 80. a 90. let 20. století. Spojuje recepci Vaculíkova díla se vznikem a poklesem zájmu o český disent. Hledá v překladech i nepatrné stopy kulturního dialogu.
Summary: The article comments upon Polish translators attitude to the novel of the Czech prose writer Vaculik, especially Český snář and Jak se dělá chlapec, fragments of which can be found in Polish magazines of 80’s and 90’s in 20th century. The reception of this prose is linked with the formation and interest decline of the Czech opposition’s situation. The article searches for traces of cultural dialogue in translation attempts.
Lenka Vítová: Stylization of colloquial language in Polish translations of Czech literature Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Stylizacja na potoczność w przekładzie literatury czeskiej na język polski / Stylizace hovorovosti v překladech české literatury do polštiny. Author Name: Lenka Vítová, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 175-187.
Résumé: Česká literatura s bohatou tradicí využití příznakové stylizace hovorovosti a nářečnosti klade na překladatele do jazyků s méně rozvrstvenou stylistikou nemalé tvůrčí nároky — překladatelé musí nalézt vhodný protějšek pro vyjádření expresivity originálu. Autorka článku sledovala překladatelské strategie při řešení tohoto problému na příkladech překladů děl autorů, kteří různým způsobem využívají stylizace hovorovosti: Jaroslava Haška, Bohumila Hrabala, Jáchyma Topola a Ireny Douskové. Na základě srovnání originálu a překladu popsala, jak a nakolik se pokusili o vyjádření odpovídající originálu jednotliví překladatelé: v případě Haška Paweł Hulka-Laskowski, Józef Waczków a Antoni Kroh, v případě Hrabala Andrzej Czcibor-Piotrowski, Jan Stachowski a Piotr Godlewski, v případě Topola Leszek Engelking a v případě Douskové Joanna Derdowska. Autorka v závěru navrhla klasifikaci stylizace hovorovosti (dle formy a cíle užití): lidová (Hašek), estetizující (Hrabal), naturalistická (Topol), humoristická (Dousková) a poukázala na sílící potřebu jak nejpřesnějšího přeložení všech aspektů textu, včetně těch lišících se od národní tradice — shodně s názorovými proudy posledních let se v překladech objevuje stále více Jiného, v překladu dochází ke koperníkovskému obratu, před osvojením (světem viděným národním prizmatem) upřednostňujeme exotizaci (vlastní domov spatřený přes brýle celého světa).
Summary: Czech literature has traditionally made use of a distinctive stylization of colloquial language and dialect. This represents a significant challenge for translators into languages with less diverse stylistics as they seek to find a mode of capturing the original’s emotionality. This article explores translators’ strategies when dealing with this problem and uses examples of works by Jaroslav Hašek, Bohumil Hrabal, Jáchym Topol and Irena Dousková who stylize colloquial language in a variety of ways. The author uses a comparative analysis of the original and the translation to determine how and to what extent the individual translators achieved an adequate rendering of the original. The translators in question are Paweł Hulka-Laskowski, Józef Waczków and Antoni Kroh in the case of Hašek; Andrzej Czcibor-Piotrowski, Jan Stachowski and Piotr Godlewski in the case of Hrabal; Leszek Engelking in the case of Topol and Joanna Derdowska in the case of Dousková. In the conclusion the author suggests four categories of stylization of colloquial language (depending on its form and aim): folk (Hašek), aestheticizing (Hrabal), naturalist (Topol) and humorous (Dousková). She also argues that it is increasingly more important to provide as accurate a translation as possible of all the aspects of the text, including those that differ from the national tradition. This is in line with the latest trends when translations incorporate increasingly more of the Other and are characterized by a significant shift from adaptation (viewed through the national prism) to exoticization (viewing one’s home through the lenses of the whole world).
Libor Pavera: Translations of Certain Contemporary Polish Prose Works into Czech — a Contribution to the Dialogue between Cultures Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Tłumaczenia niektórych tekstów współczesnej prozy polskiej na język czeski — przyczynek do dialogu kultur / Překlady některých textů současné polské prózy do češtiny — příspěvek k dialogu kultur. Author Name: Libor Pavera, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku Białej, lpavera@ath.bielsko.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 188-202.
Shrnutí: Autor studie se zabývá problematikou překládání současné polské literatury do češtiny po roce 1989. Připomíná některá fakta z literárního života posledních dvaceti let a analyzuje některé texty současné polské prózy, které byly přeloženy do češtiny. Překladům ani jejich překladatelům není garantováno, že překlady vyjdou tiskem, neexistuje ani systematické vydávání polské literatury v ČR. Na druhé straně se objevují vydané překlady, jež mohou českému čtenáři ukázat Poláka a současné Polsko v úplně jiném image než kdysi. Badatel připomíná prózu Masłowské, která českému čtenáři přiblíží subkulturu „dreserów”, což si vyžaduje od překladatele, který chce do cílového jazyka přeložit veškerý kontext, aby našel odekvátní styl a princip. Poněkud jinak se diskutuje o obrazu Poláků J. Witkowskiego, který se ve svých textech dívá na specifickou komunitu gayů. Konečně na posledním příkladu autor ukazuje, jak M. Szczygiel pohlíží z pohledu Poláka na dějiny Čechů v XX. století (próza Gottland). Autor připomíná rovněž fakt, že v obou literárních kulturách probíhají analogické procesy (tematika, výběr jazykových prostředků).
Summary: In his paper, the author deals with the topic of rendering the contemporary Polish literature, created after the year 1989, into the Czech language. He reminds the reader of certain facts from the literary life of the last 20 years and analyses certain texts of the contemporary Polish prose which were translated into Czech. It is not guaranteed that the outcome of numerous translations will be ever printed. What is more, Polish literature is not systematically published in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, the translations which have been published may show a Czech reader Polish people and the contemporary Poland in a different light than it was done earlier. The researcher quotes D. Maslowska’s prose, who introduces a Czech reader to the subculture of „dreserzy”(„dresiarze”), which requires a translator to find an adequate style and language in order to render the whole context into the target language. Another approach to the issue of shattering the image of Poles has been taken by J. Witkowski, who looks at the specific gay community in his texts. Finally, in the last example, the author shows how M. Szczygiel, a Pole, views the Czech history in the XXth century (the prose Gottland). The author also mentions the fact that there have been analogical processes in both literary cultures (subject matter, selection of means of literature, etc.).
Izabela Mroczek: Czech translation of Mariusz Szczygieł’s Gottland and its Czech reception Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Gottland Mariusza Szczygła w czeskim przekładzie i jego czeska recepcja / Český překlad Gottlandu Mariusze Szczygła a jeho česká recepce. Author Name: Izabela Mroczek, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, izabela.mroczek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 203-212.
Résumé: Gottland Mariusze Szczygła ukazuje současné dějiny Česka a Československa formou popisu „osobních historií” lidí, kteří jsou neznámí nebo skoro neznámí v Polsku. Mezi nimi najdeme: Tomáše Bat’u, Lídu Baarovou, Otakara Šveca, Karla Fabiána, Martu Kubišovou nebo Evalda chorma. Čeští kritici zdůrazňují, že tato kniha ukazuje charakter Čechů, stává se zrcadlem pro české kompexy a traumata. Neobyčejná popularita Gottlandu v Čechách dokazuje, že Češi pořád touží po publikacích, které jím pomůžou popsát jejich současnou identitu a pozicí mezi evropskými národy. Na okraji této popularity lze zdůraznit, že v obou knihách — v originálu a v jeho českém překladu, provedeném Helenou Stachovou — najdeme mnoho rozdílů: nejen u dat a jmén, ale také v citacích a dialozích uvedených do polského vydání v českém překladu Mariusze Szczygła.
Summary: Mariusz Szczygieł’s Gottland presents Czech modern history by descripting “private stories” of people, that are unknown or slightly known in Poland. Among them we can find: Tomáš Bat’a, Lída Baarová, Otakar Švec, Karel Fabián, Marta Kubišová and Evald Schorm. Czech critiques underline, that this book shows the character of Czech nation, is a mirror of Czech complexes and traumas. An enormous popularity of Gottland in Czech Republic proves, that Czechs still need publications, which could help with describing their modern identity and their position among European nations. Despite of its popularity, we can find many differences between original text and its Czech translation made by Helena Stachová: not only in dates and names, but also in citations and dialogues introduced to Polish book in Mariusz Szczygieł’s translation from Czech language.
Małgorzata Filipek: The atmosphere of a Serbian-Turkish borderland in the Polish translations of Borisav Stanković’s prose Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Koloryt pogranicza serbsko-tureckiego w polskich przekładach prozy Borisava Stankovicia / Локална обојеност српско-турске средине у пољским преводима Станковићеве прозе. Author Name: Małgorzata Filipek, Uniwersytytet Wrocławski, malgorzata.filipek@uwr.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 215-231.
Резиме: Дело Борисава Станковића (1874—1927) који је у српску књижевност увео амбијент оријенталног родног Врања било је познато у пољском културном миљеу већ пре Другог светског рата. Станковићева дела одликују се локалном обојеношћу која се ослања на мешавину српске и турске културне традиције као резултат скоро петовековне турске владавине ауторовим завичајем. Захваљујући пољским преводима приповедака и романа Нечиста крв читаоци су стекли представу како о свакодневном животу, обичајима, обредима људи чији се менталитет формирао под утицајем ове две културе, тако и о универзалним људским тежњама.
Summary: Works of Borisav Stanković, who introduced the atmosphere of his home town Vranje, are the space of the two cultures dialogue: — his own (Serbian) and the strange (Turkish). The last one formed the mentality and the life style of the inhabitants of this region during more that five centuries of Turkish bondage. Thanks to the translations the picture of the Serbian-Turkish borderland has been recorded in Polish readers consciousness. The descriptions of family celebrations, ceremonies and rites interweave there with the scenes of everyday life. However, despite the strong Stanković’s bonds with the concrete geographical region, the reader can find in translations the universal message about human condition and about the man who — in the situation of confrontation with restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the society — loses his battles and cannot fulfil his emotional and physical needs.
Marta Buczek: Intercultural dialogue in Slovak translation of Andrzej Stasiuk book Opowieści galicyjskie Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Wielokulturowość w przekładzie Opowieści galicyjskich Andrzeja Stasiuka / Medzikultúrny dialóg v slovenskom preklade diela Andrzeja Stasiuka Haličské poviedky. Author Name: Marta Buczek, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, marta.buczek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 235-250.
Résumé: Prispievok sa týka problémov medzikultúrneho dialógu v slovenskom preklade zbierky poviedok Andrzeja Stasiuka pod titulom Haličské poviedky. Autorka dáva pozor na translatologické problémy vyplyvajúce zo špecifiky originálu, v ktorom dialóg kultúr funguje vnútorne v texte. Prispevok uvažuje o translatologických problémoch, sústreduje pozornosť na kľúčových textových signáloch, významných elementoch štruktúry textu, ktoré definujú hranice sémantiky originálu. Autorka určuje spôsob interpretácie a transferu sémantiky originálu v preklade. Zaujima ju, akým spôsobom sa prekladateľovi Haličských poviedok podarilo preložiť aspekt zmiešania kultur.
Summary: The article deals with the question of intercultural dialogue in Slovak translation of Andrzej Stasiuk book under the title Opowieści galicyjskie. The author draws attention to translation problems resulting from the peculiarity of origin, in which a dialog of many cultures decides about the inner structure of a text. The author discusses translation problems focuses on text signals, significant structure elements which state the limits of semantic area of the origin. It defines the way of reading and transfering the sense of origin implied in translation. The author considers what extent the translator of Opowieści galicyjskie managed to transfer in translation the aspects of cultures mix up and coexistence.
Lucyna Spyrka: Domesticated translation — foreignizated translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Przekład udomowiony — przekład wyobcowany / Preklad zdomácnený — preklad odcudzený. Author Name: Lucyna Spyrka, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 251-265.
Resume: V teórii prekladu zakotvili pojmy domestikovaného alebo zdomácneného a odcudzeného prekladu. Tieto pojmy sa používajú na pomenovanie prekladových stratégií, s ktorých prvá znamená približovanie autora k čitateľovi a druhá naopak — približovanie čitateľa k autorovi. Výmenne sa používajú pojmy: exotizácia a naturalizácia v preklade. O preklade je možné uvažovať ako o procese alebo ako o produkte. Zdomácnenie a odcudzenie sa môžu vnímať aj ako sociálne pojmy, ktoré sa vzťahujú na fungovanie prekladu v prijímajúcej kultúre. Z tohoto pohľadu zdomácnenie nie je totožné s domestikáciou a si zakladá na zapojení sa diela do tradícii prijímajúcej literatúry pri takých istých princípoch, pri akých sa aktivizujú diela domácej literatúry, pričom je to sprevádzané doplňovaním prijímajúcej kultúry o text, ktorý intenzívne ovplyvňuje jej vývoj; odcudzenie zase znamená odstránenie s prijímajúcej kultúry prekladu, ktorý už v tejto kultúre bol zdomácnený, fungoval v nej ako hosť alebo ktorý v prijímajúcej literatúre vôbec sa neprejavil, aj keď bol uverejnený. Zvolená stratégia prekladu a jeho kvalita nie vždy rozhodujú o zdomácnení alebo odcudzení translatu v sekundárnej kultúre. O zdomácnení hlavne rozhoduje dopyt v prijímajúcej kultúre po danom texte. O odcudzení môžu rozhodnúť prekladateľské chyby, no aj riad faktorov, ktoré zostávajú mimo textu diela a nezávisia od prekladateľa. V článku boli ukázané prípady zdomácnenia a odcudzenia prekladu, hlavne v poľsko-slovenskej medziliterárnej komunikácii.
Summary: In the theory of translation rooted terms: domesticated translation — foreignizated translation, They are used as the name of the translation strategies. The first of them consits in bringing the author to the reader; the second one — inversely — consists in bringing teh reader to the author. As a replacement are used the terms: exotic and naturalisation in translation. Tranlsation can be seen as a process and a product. Domestication and foreignization also can be understood as the concept of social, whoch relate to existence of tranlsation in the host culture.In this context domestication is not synonymous with acquaintance and it is inclusion of the work in the tradition of the host literature under the same conditions under which literary works are subject to activation of native with complementary the host culture of the text which intensive impacts on its development. Foreignization means the removal of the host culture of the translation, which had already been domesticated in this culture or which was in a situation of translation — guest or which never existed in the host literature, although it has been published. Choice strategy, nor the quality of translation is not always decide od the domestication and foreignization of translation in the host culture. The domestication largely determines the need for the secondary culture of the text. The foreignization may be come with errors in tranlsation but also with a number of factors, which are outside the lyric, independent of the interpretation. The article discusses the specific cases of domestication and foreignization of translation, mainly in Polish — Slovak interliterature communication.
Bożena Tokarz: In the Perspective of Cognition and Projection About a Polish Translation of the Collection of Essays Terra incognita by Drago Jančar Download Rozwiń
Original Title: W perspektywie poznania i projekcji. O polskim przekładzie zbioru esejów Draga Jančara Terra incognita / Vidik spoznavanja in projekcije O poljskim prevodu zbirke eseja Dragota Jančarja Terra incognito. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski, bozena.tokarz@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 269-282.
Povzetek: V prevodu esejev Draga Jančarja z naslovom Terra incognita medkulturni dialog poteka na ravni leksike v okviru lastnih imen, kar bralca prisili k iskanju njene pomenske denotacije v drugih evropskih območjih. To ni prevod, ki slovensko izrazi po poljsko, kot je Paul Ricoer posrečeno opredelil prevod, ki naj bi bil popoln po obliki, še bolj pa po funkciji. To pomeni, da s strukturo in izraznostjo poljskega jezika ne vstopamo v dialog s slovensko kulturo in njeno miselnostjo. Ne lede na nedvomno prevajalkino intuicijo, njene jezikovne, logične in v znatni meri tudi pragmatičnologične zmožnosti, miselni dialog med kulturama v prevodu ni prišel do izraza. Poleg tega je prevajalka uporabila izvirni naslov avtorjeve knjižne zbirke esejev in z nim naslovila drugo vsebino. Tovrstna zloraba zaupanja avtorja in bralca do prevajalca spreminja podobo prevedenega dela, ki ni isto kot izvirnik. Zaradi avtorjeve nadarjenosti, prevajalkine prizadevnosti in optimalnega časovnega razpona med izidom izvirnika in prevoda, se sodobna slovenska esejistika v zavesti poljskega bralca povezuje predvsem z Dragom Jančarjem, čeprav je mestoma prikazan v pretirani podobnosti z Adamom Michnikom, Dubravko Ugrešić ali Ivanom Čolovićem.
Summary: In the translation of the essays of Drago Jančar entitled Terra incognita, an intercultural dialogue has been undertaken on the level of lexis within the scope of proper names, making a reader search for the denotements in other regions of Europe. It is not a translation that would speak Slovene in Polish, as Paul Ricoeur accurately defined a translation that would be perfect in shape and more in function. It means that we do not commune with the Slovene culture and with its mentality through the structure and the expression of the Polish language. Despite the undoubted translational intuition of the translator, her language, logical competences and, to a large extent, pragmatically-logical competences, a mental dialogue did not take place between the cultures. Moreover, the translator has used the original title of the book, presenting some other contents of that book. Such abuse of the author’s and receiver’s confidence that is put in a translator changes the view of the rendered text that does not resemble the original. The talent of the author, the effort of the translator and the optimal time of appearing of the translation of the essays caused that the contemporary Slovene essay writing reminds a Polish reader of Jančar, although sometimes of Adam Michnik in a perspective that would make him too alike, of Dubravka Ugešić or of Ivan Čolović.
Jasmina Šuler Galos: Inter-textual and inter-cultural shifts in translation. Contemporary Polish prose in Slovenian translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Przesunięcia międzytekstowe i międzykulturowe w tłumaczeniu. Współczesna proza polska w języku słoweńskim / Medbesedilni in medkulturni zamiki v prevodu. Sodobna poljska proza v slovenskem jeziku. Author Name: Jasmina Šuler Galos, Uniwersytet Warszawski, jasmina.galos@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 283-294.
Povzetek: Napetost med označenim in označujočim, ki je značilna tako za posamezne znake kot za znakovne verige, je tudi v prevodih vzrok za večje ali manjše semantične zamike. Dokler ostajamo v mejah jezika, lahko take odmike od izvirnika klasificiramo in razmeroma natačno opišemo, in sicer ne glede na to, ali se nanašajo na slovnično, leksikalno ali na skladenjsko ravnino. Subjektivne odločitve prevajalca postanejo veliko pomembnejše takrat, ko prestopimo meje jezika in sopostavimo dve zunajjezikovni resničnosti. Največja pa je vloga prevajalca v procesu, ki se ga sam samo delno zaveda — v procesu konkretizacije. Konkretizacijo, to je zavedno ali nezavedno zapolnjevanje vrzeli v shematični besedni umetnini, v prevedenem besedilu še pred bralcem opravi prevajalec, zato ravno prevajalec bistveno vpliva na videze, ki jih izzove besedna umetnina.
Summary: The tension between the signifiant and the signifié, which is present in both singular signs and chains thereof, is also the cause of various semantic incoherencies in translation. Within the boundaries of a language, one can classify and describe such departures from the original, regardless of whether they arise in the grammatical, lexical or syntactic sphere. The subjective decisions of the interpreter become much more important whenever one transcends the boundaries of language and compares two metalinguistic realities. But the greatest role of the interpreter lies within a process of Ingarden’s “concretization”, understood as a conscious or unconscious filling of gaps in a schematic literary artwork, which forms an integral part of the sphere of competence of the interpreter of a translated work. Therefore, it is the interpreter who exerts a decisive influence on the perceptions, created by literary artwork.
Anna Muszyńska: Intertextuality as a way of cultural dialogue Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Intertekstualność jako forma dialogu międzykulturowego / Intertekstualnost v vlogi medkulturnega dialoga. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 295-305.
Povzetek: Literarna besedila, ki se (zaradi svoje intertekstualnosti) navezujejo na druga besedila, značilna samo za literarno tradicijo in kulturo originala, veljajo za prevajalca kot posebna vrsta translatorske problematike in resni praktični problem. Članek obravnava to tematiko na primeru pesmi Urszula Kochanowska (poljskega avtorja Bolesława Leśmiana) v prevodu Toneta Pretnarja. Intertekstualni elementi, ki so prisotni v originalu, ustvarjajo dialog z literarno tradicijo in sprejemno kulturo, ker v tujem/drugem kontekstu pridobivajo drugačno, novo interpretacijsko vlogo, funkcinirajo drugače in imajo drugačno vrednost.
Summary: The artistic texts which as a part of the intertextuality phenomena refer to other texts, known only in the native literary tradition and culture of the original text, present an enormous challenge for the translator ( in this article the deliberations on this subject are illustrated by the work of Bolesław Leśmian titled Urszula Kochanowska in a Slovenian translation of Tone Pretnar). The intertexual elements go into a dialogue with a literary translation and a target culture because in a foreign context they function differently. However, they always have enriching value (at least from the cognitive perspective).
Index of authors (Monika Gawlak) Download
Index of translators (Monika Gawlak) Download
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