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New issue available – Vol 11 No 1

A new issue of “Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich” (Vol 11 No 1) is now available online:

Vol 11 No 1 (2021) – Translations of Slavic Literatures – Modernism in Translation (2021)

The volume contains articles by translators, literary historians and comparative literature scholars interested in the problems of modernist literary translation in Slavic cultures. Historical comparative material includes both poetic, prose, drama and philosophical translations created in Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian and Lithuanian modernisms. The discussion of translation in Slavic literatures confirms that the paradigm of translational modernity encompasses phenomena that are not only diverse and different, but even fundamentally contradictory and mutually exclusive, such as traditionalism in Slovak translation practice in the era of the so-called post-1968 normalization and the translational experimentalism of the second wave of the Czech avant-garde, the high, saving” humanism of poetic translations by Tomas Venclova and the subversive practices of crossing linguistic and moral taboos in translation. In the presented texts, translation is seen as a mode of creative activity, a manifestation of modernist artistic sensitivity and cultural self-awareness, an integral part of the modernist program of literary renewal, a stimulator of the evolution of national “smaller literatures”, as well as a medium for the dissemination of the imperative of inventiveness and modern anthropological and social ideas. The volume is addressed to theoreticians, historians, critics and practitioners of artistic translation.